Relationship is a bond which keeps people together, a mutual
appreciation and understanding between persons or things. It is usually
solidified with promises exchanged on trust. Relationship is categorized
severally, but I am talking of that which exists between man and woman. I am
going to be factual as I can be, and hope you can pick few things from the
moral of my narration.

Do sisters waste time in moving unto the next one either? Hmm! Ironically, it always starts like it will never end. Just like a beautiful cake, forgotten after eaten? Hell no, the memory stays. How well it tastes in most cases determines the later tale. How ever, broken promises will ever be remembered, which further hurts the principle of trust in relationships.
Back then when the best seller movie, Titanic was trending,
and I was just getting healed from a broken heart, yes, I felt betrayed by a friend
who I trusted and confided in every step I was taking concerning my newly found
affection. Jeeze, it happened like magic. I lost out even though I never took
it to be a contest. How ever I walked
out with my head high, a dignified hero as I found another friend.
Just as I was getting stabilized, there came my most
celebrated romantic tale. It was like my romantic rise and fall, ever
stretching arms to be lifted, a hand writing yet to be erased. The
relationship was admired by many, sacrifices were involved, promises were made,
and it became a true life story with tragic fiction, established in my world of
thoughts as Romance in the cemetery. With dues respect to what I ever felt for
any other person, I will categorically refer my other relationships as minor.
Before I go further, I will like to acknowledge how it
worked for me. I never struggled to be in my most memorable relationships. They
just happened just by me making normal calculative moves after I have received
the I like you signal. On the contrary, every time I try to make someone love
me, it never worked out. I still get loved though, but it is usually an
experience which controls it own timing like mentioned above. I have gotten
moments with few ladies, but it seems I have not had another ceremonious
relationship, capable of pulling out those promises usually made eye balls to
eye balls. Could it be that romance is finding it hard locating me or is it
that I’m having a difficult time in keeping them? This is a question many
should ask because neXt to X is becoming a culture, and broken promises are
becoming the foundation of so many X thing. Deep down inside my heart, I
fear that many married people wish to be able to draw the mark X easily. If
not, can one explain how beautiful it seems at the beginning and takes only
matter of time to turn cold?
If truth be told, marriage no longer seem to be a test of love, but the union of
two people who goes into a matrimonial shield to acquire a place of honour , as
well as making a family. No wonder they are ready to accept the better and the
worst which they individually refused in several relationships. Still
trying to visualize the sense in it.
Back to myself; I have been with youthful girls and have
also been with full grown ladies. The major difference is the experiment and
the real practical. How long the experiments which the teenagers assume to be
the real thing last determines the lent of the romance. In most cases,
experience works against the free flow of the grown ladies in appreciating male
advances. This is because they have to access, download, upload, analyze, in
view of knowing what they want,
comparing their past experience with what present is offering, having prejudice
to deal with. Aww! How sure can they ever be? Definitely, all the judgment
materials in their head have failed most times in keeping relationships secured
for long as the distance comes so fast. When the pressure of personal
interest come calling, the bridge of trust get broken.
I dated few girls in their late teenage age and I can say
they judge less on what is available materially, but how being with a guy makes
them feel until the feel something new as they grow. The last young girl I
dated discovered something new when she went for post UME. Hmm! Coming back she
felt wiser. Wow! So you can imagine if I was actually the one who bought her the
Jamb form, lol! I also dated a mother of two years old who was not working
as at then. May be she just needed to be with someone and I guess I’m glad it
was me. At some point, I was worried I was not giving her enough to retain her
loyalty. How ever, my fear was getting confirmed when she became distracted,
and amounted to one conclusion that she was trying to make up for what I could not provide for her. Why should I
blame her any way, she has a son to take care of while processing to study abroad.
Few other crushes here and there which did not materialize into an experience I
would like to write about.
No doubt, it was going to be another romantic show-down as I
found my self falling this time. Worst of it, falling into a hand that was not
ready to catch me due to the earlier discussed issues; ladies with many X
and much experience has much judgmental materials. I tried all I could to
exhibit love, for where? At first meeting, I was scaled and a judgment was
passed. God help, it was not in my favour, but I was persistent. When I
finally got a yes, there was only but an atmosphere that made it sustenance
difficult and ultimately impossible. Environmental and mentality barriers, no
thanks. Guess what, that relationship finally hit the rock on a Valentines Day
(Feb. 14th) which ironically turns out to be my best valentine after
many years. Simply put, someone else was there to make me feel the negative
impact of the break-up less.
Call it love or what ever; it was fun and a ride to some where at least. Now I’m here again wondering why Xs (Y-Xes) It is a tale of broken promises we made not because we never wished to fulfill them. Sometimes we were just never sincere from the onset as some relationships are like a journey in which what you see on the way determines the direction. No one is ever certain where it leads even with a great determination to take a lead. At the back of our minds, there are personal standards which also determine how far we can go. Women always want to be sure; men always want to get to some where despite the sign of road to no where. Selfishness on both sides comes in through different unforeseen directions. . More so not wanting to be seen as divorcees. The desire for the better never end; reason for many broken promises.
Call it love or what ever; it was fun and a ride to some where at least. Now I’m here again wondering why Xs (Y-Xes) It is a tale of broken promises we made not because we never wished to fulfill them. Sometimes we were just never sincere from the onset as some relationships are like a journey in which what you see on the way determines the direction. No one is ever certain where it leads even with a great determination to take a lead. At the back of our minds, there are personal standards which also determine how far we can go. Women always want to be sure; men always want to get to some where despite the sign of road to no where. Selfishness on both sides comes in through different unforeseen directions. . More so not wanting to be seen as divorcees. The desire for the better never end; reason for many broken promises.
Treeze you are one of a kind
Obviously he is....
Treeze this is creative
Hmmm, Treeze, this your story get as e be o!
A writer in deed! But is this really a true life story or a fiction? I'm curious, I really want to know.
Hmm! This is serious!
Treeze, your life is really a book and I have just learn a lot from it
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